Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Goeckerman therapy?

Invented at the Mayo Clinic in 1925, the Goeckerman therapy has proven to be a highly effective treatment for psoriasis and eczema. It involves topical applications of coal tar and exposure to narrowband UVB phototherapy.

How effective is this treatment?

The Goeckerman therapy remains one of the most effective treatments for psoriasis and eczema. It has even been used successfully in patients who were treatment-resistant and in patients who have contraindications to biologic medications.

For Psoriasis:
A study examining 300 patients in both Baylor University and UCSF’s Goeckerman centers found that 100% of psoriasis patients achieved 90% improvement in the PASI score (PASI 90), with 73% of patients remaining in remission for at least 12 months.

For Eczema:
A study at UCSF found that 80% of patients who were treated with Goeckerman achieved greater than 90% skin clearance with an average remission of 7.2 months.

Is it safe?

The safety profile of Goeckerman therapy is excellent and does not carry the same internal risks as biologics. Since the side effects of Goeckerman therapy are minimal, the regimen can be used in everyone including the elderly, children, patients with history of cancer, immunosuppressed patients, and patients with other comorbidities.

How long does it take to complete the treatment?

In most cases, the treatment ends once the psoriasis or eczema has fully resolved. This is often dependent on the patient’s medical history and the severity of the condition. Typically, the treatment period is ~6 weeks, followed by a post-treatment maintenance plan to prolong remission.

How long is the average length of remission?

Goeckerman therapy has one of the longest reported remission times of any psoriasis treatment. After completing your customized Goeckerman regimen (which takes about ~6 weeks), the average length of remission is around a year for psoriasis and 7.2 months for eczema. But our treatment service also provides a custom maintenance therapy (e.g. a weekly uvb home treatment), which can extend remission for much longer.

In the event that the psoriasis returns, the Goeckerman therapy can be reintroduced and often requires much less time to reach full remission again.

Individual results, however, may vary.

What is delivered to me from Solay?

We will deliver to you a narrowband UVB phototherapy unit and a box with materials that are customized according to your treatment plan. Typically, this box may include:

  • Topical coal tar ointment

  • Coal tar shampoo (if needed)

  • UV eye protection goggles

  • Plastic sealing wraps

  • Elastic net dressing wraps

  • Mineral oil

  • Moisturizing cream

In order to perform the treatment, you need space to erect a 6’ UVB unit (75 cm x 38 cm x 198 cm) and have a strong internet connection for the telehealth sessions.

How much is it?

See our Pricing page for more details.

Will my insurance cover this?

We ask that your insurance provider cover the UVB phototherapy unit. During your initial consult, our dermatologist will determine the type of UVB device that is appropriate for your care and will submit the prescription and address any preauthorization paperwork.

The initiation fee and monthly fee is not covered by insurance. However, you can use your HSA or flexible spending account to help cover these costs. A patient will only be charged these fees until after they achieve significant clearance of their skin.

When will this be available in my state?

We’re currently only available in California and Illinois, but we’re actively working to expand to other states. Please sign up for our newsletter to be notified when we’re available in your state.